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One common item which you will find around Second Life is the ‘owner on-line’ indicator. There are various different versions of these, but most of them change color and display some floating text to say whether the owner is on-line.

Here is a script which implements this. It uses the llRequestAgentData function to find out whether the owner is on-line. This reports the information back to the script via the dataserver event, which then changes the text message and the color of the prim appropriately.

string ownerName;
key onlineQry;
 // Store the owner's name.
 ownerName = llKey2Name(llGetOwner());
 // Send a request for the information. This will
 // be sent back in the dataserver event.
 onlineQry = llRequestAgentData(llGetOwner(), DATA_ONLINE);
 // Start a timer to regularly check the on-line
 // status.    
 on_rez(integer r)
  onlineQry = llRequestAgentData(llGetOwner(), DATA_ONLINE);    
 dataserver(key query_id, string data) 
  vector prim_color;
  if (query_id == onlineQry)
   // The data parameter holds TRUE if the owner
   // is on-line.
   if ((integer)data == TRUE)
    // Change the text.
    llSetText(ownerName + " is on-line", <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 0.5);
    // Set the object color to green.
    prim_color = <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>;
    llSetColor( prim_color, ALL_SIDES );
    // Change the text.
    llSetText(ownerName + " is off-line", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.5);
    // Set the object color to grey.
    prim_color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>;
    llSetColor( prim_color, ALL_SIDES );
 changed(integer change)
  if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) 
   // We have changed owner. Reset the script to
   // make sure that we pick up the change
   // correctly.