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Where’s the point in having a blog if you can’t use for some occasional self-advertisement? Actually, some people’s blogs are solely for this purpose, so I think I can be excused (and I’ve marked this as entry 1 because I intend to more in future — you have been warned!)

Arcane Designs StoreI have recently completed my first significant gadget for Second Life, a functioning reproduction of a Victorian Magic Lantern. To show it off, and to make a place for selling both it and other things I might create, I’ve built a small store, Arcane Designs, next to Morgridge Mansion.

As a matter of fact, I’ve already got a second item on sale, which is my Psychic Card Table, a Second Life version of a card trick which I have seen elsewhere on the Internet. It has been on display in the Mansion for some time, as a sort of conversation-piece, but I’ve decided I might as well put it on sale.

Both items are also available from SL Exchange. You want to see them here first? All right, you’ve twisted my arm.

Magic LanternPsychic Card Table


Morgridge Mansion
If you have Second Life installed you can use this link to teleport to Morgridge Mansion. It will actually drop you at the hub. Walk north-west to get to the Mansion itself — it isn’t very far.

SL Exchange Page